Rowan Water, Incorporated was established in 1968 to serve customers outside the city limits of Morehead, Kentucky. Rowan Water, Inc started with a couple hundred customers and has now grown to over 6,800 customers today. We serve Rowan, Carter, Elliot, Morgan and a few customers in Fleming. Rowan Water also sells water to Olive Hill and Fleming Water.
Rowan Water, Inc is a non-profit corporation that has no political affiliation. All the revenue Rowan Water Inc operates on is from customers bills. All the money collected is for operations and payments to debt services.
Rowan Water, Inc employs 11 people. Three of these are full time meter readers. Rowan Water, Inc has over 700 miles of water line in the ground to maintain. At this time Rowan Water has 11 tanks and 11 pump stations to maintain.
1765 Christy Crk, Morehead, Kentucky 40351, United States
PHONE 606-784-9818 FAX 606-783-1644
Today | Closed |
Close at 1:00 the last business day of month
Rowan Water is announcing new drive through hours. The new hours are 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Office staff will still be available during regular business hours for phone calls and for credit card payments. Customers may still use the drop box to make payments.